
And then there were 10

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

As I set in my class yesterday, I gave great thought to the fact that I had things that I had yet to see to fruition. I had 2 website that were just sitting there needing repair. I had tons of inventory for those sites that were just sitting in storage because the websites were down. I needed to get rid of so much stuff, and I needed to sell much of it.

So now, I have 10 websites with 2 not yet designed an running, yet.

I worked on pulling items in and taking things down. I am working on pulling together all of my inventory and putting up product listings.

The goal?

To run my businesses full time by summer and then start hiring out help so that I can get to writing, which I enjoy.

Will it work?

10 streams of income… it should.

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