person using MacBook Pro

WIP Wednesday: Stuck

I have to admit that for this Work In Progress (WIP) Wednesday, I am currently stuck in my writing. I went back in and added a few things and thought for sure this would trigger me to be able to finish, but it isn’t working that way. I am leading up to the big climax, …

WIP and Updates

Wow! I had moved my blog to another server, but then I lost nearly everything. I guess I should have backed it up more frequently. I’m back to the Blogger website with my own URL. Hopefully I will remember to back this up more frequently for when I decide to transfer it to my own …

Teaser Tuesday: An excerpt

For a Teaser Tuesday, I thought I would include a small excerpt from my upcoming novel: Operation: Containment.      At last, he seemed to be within twenty yards inside the containment field. He had been lucky, so far, and he was afraid that at any moment his luck would run out. He sat down …