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Writing Young Adult

WIP Wednesday: Stuck

I have to admit that for this Work In Progress (WIP) Wednesday, I am currently stuck in my writing. I went back in and added a few things and thought for sure this would trigger me to be able to finish, but it isn’t working that way. I am leading up to the big climax, and I’m almost to the top, but for some reason, I can’t quite make it there. The writing has suddenly come to a halt.

I know what it is that I am going to have to do to get myself out of this mess. I need to go back and look at my outline and make some changes. I need to figure out how to write my way out of the corner I placed myself into. I don’t think that I anticipated this, but then again, I began writing this novel without an outline. It kind of bloomed on its own. That’s why I’m suddenly stuck. I did find my handwritten notes yesterday when I began to clean out my old file cabinet that I will be chunking. Those may help me some, but I don’t know how much. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I think I had an unlikely hero rise up, and I don’t really want him to be a hero. I need him to remain helpful, but not be the rescuer. I need my heroines to rescue themselves. They need to know that they can overcome this. I don’t even want mom and dad to come to their rescue.

That’s my WIP for this Wednesday. What are you currently working on? Let me know down in the comments.

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