
Who needs NaNoWriMo to write?


It’s the weekend, and I am back to writing. I took the week off from writing as I felt I had pushed myself too much finishing up the month of November. However, I am back to writing. I mean, who needs NaNoWriMo as an excuse to write? Certainly not I!

I have so much to do in the next few months. I had thought about not posting as much on this blog while I worked on my other websites, but this morning I realized that I didn’t want to do that.

Of course, I probably will not post several times a week, but I will certainly post weekly while I let you know the progress of what is going on with my websites and blogs.

I currently have a total of five in progress and one that is in its infancy stage. Two of those are Ecommerce sites. I actually sell products on them. So maintaining and keeping it running is my main goal. The others, this site included in that, require constant updating and writing. Lots of writing.

I’m in the middle of researching for the newest addition. I don’t mind though. I enjoy writing. I enjoy research. Research means reading.

Today I’m focused on updating those that are already up. I’m adding in new articles and recipes. Then tomorrow, I write for the new one. I’m getting ready to launch it in a few weeks.

Until then, I’ll just continue to do what I do best and write.

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