
Reaching my Goal

I didn’t think that I would meet my goal. In fact, on Friday I was beginning to stress because 30 blog posts seemed so far away, and yet I managed to just eek it all out.

Friday I sat down and wrote all day. I pushed out post after post after post. Saturday I was exhausted from writing and my fingers hurt from typing on Friday. I was still 7 posts away.

Instead, I got caught up in planning. I pulled out my spreadsheet and began to plug in various benchmark goals of where I should be and when. Honestly, the goal was to be at 30 posts across one website and then slowing down to 10 a month on that one while I work on the next.

My business website needs to be completely revamped as I am planning to take things into a different direction now that my daughter-in-law will soon be my ex-daughter-in-law and will not longer be a part of the business. With it just being me, I plan to liquidate most of my inventory and begin a fresh start with it. It’s one thing to have 2 people sewing, but it is another to have just one.

So I took the morning to daydream. Seemed pointless. Daydreaming about how you would use your earnings and on what frivolous things you would use the most filled a void, although I have to confess that it excited me and depressed me all at the same time. The reason? I probably will not see results until May. That’s a long time to wait to see if the work I put in is going to result in anything. Plus, I have 2 books that I’m planning and another to finish. The wait time for that is also a long way down the road.

If anyone ever said that writing was easy, they are wrong. Writing is hard work with no guarantees. But oh the what ifs!

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