red flag on pole under blue sky during daytime

WIP: When continuity issues arise

Nothing sends up a larger red flag than when you are editing your work and you see something that doesn’t feel right. Not to mention, this red flag has appeared when you are editing chapter 13 and can’t remember if this is the first time you’ve noticed.

In order to get the feel for a book that I haven’t worked on in ages, I decided to edit what I had written. This would give the chance to add anything that I felt needed to be added, plus I could fix any misspelled words or grammar issues all while getting back into the story. Needless to say I was on Chapter 13 when I realized that I called a character (in the same chapter) two different names. I then had to scramble back to my character notes to determine which was the correct name. Of course, this made me doubt the rest of the book. Did I do that prior to this point? Is this the only slip up I made?

I wrote a post on character development this past week, and this made me think about how much I need to have my character sheet pulled up at the same time as I am writing. Especially with my character names. Sometimes it is just too easy to confuse a character’s name with something that sounds familiar, even more so when you are working on multiple things at the same time.

So now I’m off to work on my story some more, and run a few searches to see if I’ve used the correct name throughout the story.

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