
Take back what belongs to you

The question I always seem to ask myself every year or two: At what point did my life stop being mine? When did I allow others to dictate my life?

I never do it intentionally. It starts out with the small and simple things that generally enlarge until I become a coward, and I’m unwilling to take back control. I am the world’s worst at losing myself within a relationship. I become the heroine in distress archetype who needs the masculine hero to come rescue her. I need to break this cycle. Otherwise, I’m living my life out like the male-generated archetypes throughout the centuries.

I am not weak. I am not defenseless. My life belongs to me, and I do not need anyone’s approval to live it as such.

I need to write a book that breaks such stereotypes. I need to write a heroine who rescues the hero. We need female characters who break free from the molds imposed on them by society and we need to make them brave… fierce… adventure-seeking…

Don’t fall into that cycle, young ladies! Live your dreams! Dream big! Do the things that they tell you that you can’t because of your gender!

That’s what I’m going to do.

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