I’m not a TV junkie. I can’t see sitting down and watching television when I can find so many other things that need to be accomplished. If, in those rare moments, I do find myself with a small amount of time to watch television, there is only one reality show that I will watch. So my guilty pleasure is the show “So You Think You Can Dance.”
Maybe it is because I can’t dance, or never took dance. Maybe it is because I am drawn to the excitement of who is going to go.
I think it is something more. I think that I am drawn to some of the most emotional and empowering choreography I have ever seen. The dancers are phenomenal. The choreographers… geniuses.
My son will often walk in and find me in tears. He thinks that I am too emotional. I think that I enjoy art in all of its many forms and facets. You don’t have to understand Italian to understand an opera. It is the rise and fall of the music. It is the movements and facial expression of the actors. It’s the same with watching this show. You have to watch the movements, listen to the music, and find that small connection within yourself. It is through that small connection where the emotion and understanding of a performance blooms.
Art is emotion. It is that raw connection that causes you to emit tears, laughter, and fear. Look at something from a new perspective. Allow yourself to connect with it on some familiar level. Feel free to share in that moment, whether it is reading, dance, music, performance, or art. Enjoy.