Riding out the Rain

Normally, at this time, I would be teaching my 6th period English I class. But not today. Today I am riding out the wind and the rain of Hurricane Hermine. Or is it Tropical Storm Hermine, by now? Either way, I can hear the wind gusts and the slap of the rain on the side …

Summertime Blues

July seemed to sprint by, and here we are with August in full bloom! I have to admit that I’m not looking forward to sharing my writing time with teaching and grading, but it is something that has to be done. I’m in my last week of summer vacation before my full time teaching career …

Throwback Thursday: My first book

Prescription for Love was my first book. I actually typed it on an old electric typewriter that I purchased at a thrift store. When I first began writing it, all I had to go on was my own experiences. It rather grew from there and became a sweet romance. It’s not fantastic. It is what it …

Motivation Monday: Mom

My Mom: The source of my inspiration andmy motivation for wanting to be the best I can be. I thought that a little motivational post for a Monday was in the works. Why do I do the things that I do, and in the ways in which I do them? I can answer that in …

Motivation Monday: Freedom

Presented Flag When my father passed away on April 2nd of this year, I sat in his memorial service and the Marines presented me with this flag. In that moment, I thought about all the family members of servicemen and women who have been handed that same folded emblem of service. On this July 4th, …

What Summer Break?

Generally, during the summer, I have a chance to get caught up on writing, proofreading, and reading. Not this summer. I have managed to work on writing and proofreading, but I have not had a chance to enjoy reading just for pleasure. I’m hoping that changes now that July is here, but I’m not going …

Postponing my new WIP

Due to recent events (namely my change in jobs), I will be postponing the launch of my new WIP. I had hoped to have it completed and ready for publication, but I cannot possibly provide you, the reader, with a quality product and provide my students with quality lessons. From the way things are looking, …