November Writing Goals

As the month of November winds down, have you met your writing goals for the month? I had to go back and assess the writing goals that I made at the beginning of the month. They were very lofty goals. Overly generous goals. Monetary goals. As the month was winding down, I began to notice …


Skipping NaNoWriMo 2021

November and NaNoWriMo. There are so many things that I want to do that my plate is full, yet here we are in the middle of NaNoWriMo 2021, and I am not participating. Usually during November I’d roll up my sleeves regardless of whether or not I had a planned project, and I’d type away …


Am I still writing?

Writing is a luxury that I thought I had given up until just recently. Of course, I’ve discovered quite a few things about myself along the way of this journey back to writing. I’ve learned that I write best in the morning. Usually the weekends, but that’s okay. During the week, if I have my …


Camp NaNoWriMo: Day 1

Camp NaNoWriMo started today! I’m so excited! I’ve been trying to work on what is currently titled Legacy for about two years. I managed to write about 17500 words, and usually I would make it more of a short novella, but this time I wanted a full on novel of about 50,000+ words. My goal …


Productive Writing

Sometimes everything seems to come together and work out so that you can have a productive writing day. Other days, things just fall apart and never seem to come together. I’m thankful for productive writing days. I’m thankful for days when the words seem to flow from my head, to my fingertips, and to the …

WIP and Updates

Wow! I had moved my blog to another server, but then I lost nearly everything. I guess I should have backed it up more frequently. I’m back to the Blogger website with my own URL. Hopefully I will remember to back this up more frequently for when I decide to transfer it to my own …

November means NaNoWriMo

I’m a little late to the November NaNoWriMo party, but that doesn’t mean that it’s too late to start. What is NaNoWriMo all about? It’s about motivating you to write 50,000 words towards your novel in a month. For most of my young adult/middle grader novels, that’s about two books! I’m excited to begin my …

Finding time

I am truly trying to find the perfect balance between teaching and writing. I think that it is something that may have to wait until summer, but until then, I am researching. Books always come with research. To create a believable world of characters, it takes time to research and put together a perfect outline. …