Deirfiur Series Young Adult

Finding time to focus

It has been such a hectic summer so far. Normally, I would be writing during the summer. This summer, it has been challenging to find long stretches of time to write.

The problem? Changing jobs and moving to a new part of the state.

Who knew that changing schools and districts would require such a huge time commitment?

I am looking forward to the move, though. I have the opportunity to teach middle school while teaching 9th grade English. Once more, Romeo and Juliet is a part of my teaching curriculum! 🙂 O’ how I have missed thee!

In the time between packing and driving 130 miles, I have been writing, revising, and editing. The last book in the Deirfiúr series is scheduled for publication in August. It is my goal to have a cover reveal in two weeks. I will have a more precise date as it gets closer.

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