
Am I still writing?

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Writing is a luxury that I thought I had given up until just recently. Of course, I’ve discovered quite a few things about myself along the way of this journey back to writing. I’ve learned that I write best in the morning. Usually the weekends, but that’s okay. During the week, if I have my writing topic planned and researched ahead of time, I can generally churn out some articles; however, I haven’t been creating novels.

Most of my writing lately has consisted of blog posts and articles. Plus, up until August I had been hyper-focused on building a business: K and R Styles. I truly enjoyed this new venture of mine, and while it has had to take a back burner for the time being, I’m still planning to grow it. The problem is that I also need to build some capital and time to invest into it, and I can’t necessarily do that on a teacher’s salary and schedule, can I?

During my spare time I’ve been busy writing blog posts and articles for other websites that I own. Some for K and R Styles. Some for my teaching blog: Teaching ELA in the Middle.

I must admit that churning out blog posts and articles is much different than creating novels. I still want to finish up the many novels that I have jotted down ideas for, plus those that are already in process, but I need to feel like people want to read what I have written. My work didn’t garner the kind of excitement that I hoped for, but then again it did fill a need, and that need was the need to work. I started writing when I was out of work, so it goes to say that once I began teaching, being an author took a side seat.

I did continue to learn during this hiatus in my career. I learned more about finding my place online and finding customers and readers. I learned how to set up a website using WordPress, which I do love. Over the course of November, I plan to launch another website blog and clean this one up. It needs to be restructured because Blogger and WordPress did not play well together. So you may see some changes as I make the necessary corrections and repairs to put it back together. I have over 200 blog posts on this site, so that is a lot of posts to fix, but with my planner in hand, I’m going to create a plan to pull this site back together so that it is easier to navigate.

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