Each year, I receive many questions, and I decided that I would answer a few of those questions. Q: If you’re a writer, why do you teach?A: I love teaching. I will always be a teacher first, because I feel that my purpose is to help students discover their purpose, as well as discover great …
As Worlds Collide
I recently had the time to redesign the cover for my book, As Worlds Collide. This is book 4 and the final book in the Deirfiur series. I’m really excited about this book. It tied up Ashlyn and Ciaran’s story nicely. If you would like to purchase a copy, you can do so by using …
New Book in the Works
I know it has been a long time since I posted about a new book, but I’ve been working on my primary job of teaching. Teaching seems to fall first in my list of things that I must do, so until I buy that farm and retire to nothing more than writing, my students will …