Motivation Monday: Ideas

Finding ideas can often be elusive, especially if you just sit down with a blank sheet of paper and stare at it. Often times, though, before I sit down, I go through my idea file. If a story seems interesting, I will jot it down. If an idea seems plausible, I will jot it down. …


I started out this month by venturing on a brief vacation to get my mind flowing with the creative juices. There is nothing like getting in touch with nature to make you feel energized. I’ll be sure to post some pictures of my adventure soon.

New Book in the Works

I know it has been a long time since I posted about a new book, but I’ve been working on my primary job of teaching. Teaching seems to fall first in my list of things that I must do, so until I buy that farm and retire to nothing more than writing, my students will …


I just signed up on Wattpad. I hope to use that platform to get early feedback on some of my work, especially a few things that I have worked on and put aside because I was not sure there was an audience for that particular genre. We will see how it goes! 🙂